Shrek Juice Thursday!

Shrek Juice today πŸ™‚
If you are thinking “how do I make a green smoothie” yet still not got round to it ? This green smoothie is quick and easy to make. Takes 10 minutes maximum. You get the benefits of a drinking an alkaline, cleansing, filling, comforting, yummy drink! What more could you want ? Yeah I know you could think of a thing or two πŸ™‚ Start by nourishing your body you will soon discover or have already discovered that starting the day with a smoothie really sets you up for a good day!
Your body and bowels will thank you πŸ˜‰
My quick Green smoothie recipe:
I made my smoothie using half bag kale, 1 banana, 2 apples ,3 oranges juiced 1 grapefruit juiced, 3 tbsp flaxseed, 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tbsp raw honey, add water to your desired consistency.
Makes 4 glasses
Whizz up in a blender
Enjoy πŸ™‚


Edesias Spring Cleanse! Day One!

Today is Day One of my spring cleanse. This is my own programme I’ve created that I’ve used many times and it works a treat. I will be offering this programme and a few others once my website is up and running πŸ™‚
It was my Vegan/Began/Vulcan or whatever label it is Birthday on the 1st April! Two years! It’s been a journey, a great journey, a tough journey, an enlightening one for sure!
Will be writing in more detail tomorrow. Wanted to let you know I’ve completed day one of my cleanse.
Feeling ok so far πŸ™‚
Here is a some pics from today.
The broccoli was grown at our allotment.
Night night x




