Stella’s Temple Blog

Dear Mum

Dear Mum 

23 years today we said our goodbye…. 

It was goodbye for now not goodbye forever as I know life is eternal, however this didn’t make saying goodbye any easier. I am grateful that I was able to hold your hand as you took your last breath’s and be there for you to let you know you was safe and that the place you was off to visit next you will love. I knew you’d love this place because as last you will be free! Free from pain and free from the prison of your mind that had held a big cloud over your life for as long as I can remember.  

Mum thank you for being courageous, thank you for being strong, thank you for bringing me into this world… I know choosing to keep me was a big choice for you and I thank you for choosing to give me life at the same time as choosing to sacrifice your life, the vision of your life before you discovered you we’re pregnant with me. Thank you for my warm place to grow in your womb and for the rides on the back of Dad’s moped whilst you we’re pregnant and for hiding me under your wedding dress in the best way you could and for the long and painful labour to deliver me into this world, for feeding me and clothing me, nurturing and loving me, Thank you for being YOU!!  

Thank you for the lessons you taught me, there is still some question’s I need answered but I know they will get answered and I know there is things that have happened since you’ve passed over that you are not happy about and would have been different if you we’re still around. I trust you will deal with this at the right time.  

Mum I love and honour you  

Love from Stella xx 

Superfull moon in Libra Earth Magic reading ❤

We are living in strange times!

How are you all? I hope you are keeping well during these times. Yesterday the Super Full moon energy was kicking my butt so I thought I’d take my Earth Magic deck and go sit with Mother Earth, ask for grounding and read some cards. I decided to film it so I can share with you all. Enjoy Love Stella x

For the video  Click here

5 tips to stay centred during Covid-19

We find ourselves in worrying times! There is fear all around and within us there is no escaping the feelings of fear as this is a natural reaction for our nervous system to protect us in times of danger.

I would like to share my 5 top tips to stay centred during Covid-19

  1. Breath So sounds obvious but In times of anxiety and fear our breathing changes. Our breath rises up in our chest and quickens. This is a natural response as our bodies become prepared to fight or flight. Focus on lengthening your breath, counting helps. Count to maybe 4 or 5 as you breath in and then again counting to 4 or 5 as you breath out. Allow your breath to flow deep into your belly. You can visualise your breath flowing into your belly until you become familiar. Children do this naturally, belly breathing.
  2. Cut down or cut out coffee and caffeinated drinks. I know it can be easy to reach for a coffee but caffeine stimulates your adrenal glands and can lead to adrenal fatigue and add to your feelings of anxiety. Cut down gradually or you will have withdrawal symptoms. Try replacing with chicory or lemon and ginger. I gave up caffeine years ago and feel so much better for it.
  3. Avoid watching too much negativity on TV catch up on the daily briefing or ask friends to put the news in a nut shell for you. Watch movies that make you laugh and feel good or cute videos on youtube instead. Watching too much fear based news will place you in fear and evoke negative emotions. Laughter is healing for the heart and calming for the nervous system.
  4. Get outside, go hug a tree. Tree hugging isn’t just for hippies in Japan they call this forest bathing. Getting outside in nature is great for changing our moods and helping us feel more centred.
  5. Place your hands over your belly button, visualise yourself as a tree with strong roots into the ground and use the belly breathing in tip number 1. Placing your hands over your centre is great for helping you feel grounded, calm and centred.

Becoming Your Own Psychic

Would you like to become more intuitive? Deepen your connection to your inner knowing? Discover your innate wisdom and Psychic abilities?

Join me for a free online 30 minute workshop.

Sign up here for more information Sign up here

Only 40 spaces available. Blessings Stella x

Heart Centred Business Woman and Sexy Witch they match like Tea and Biscuits ❤

I love being a heart centred sexy witch and combining my love of magic and all things Witchy with the work that I love to do such as Tarot, Divination, Massage, Psychic Readings, Qigong, Clairvoyant.

I also run a monthly Pop up Goddess and Gods Temple where lots of amazing Sexy Witches gather together to rest, heal and support each other in a safe community just as women and Men have done since the beginning of time. I feel so blessed in my life and then I remind myself that I created all of this. I created all of this despite many hardships along the way.

I thank all of the pain, teacher’s along the way and those I’ve taught admist my journey.

I’ve travelled down many roads that could have led me to give up on life, give up on myself but that was never going to be an option as I am a Goddess! I am a Warrior!

When life has beaten me down with things such as being homeless, in abusive relationships, debilitating illness, loss of both of my parents, loss of my first true love when he was only 19, sexual abuse and rape. I made a choice to help others with my pain to be the wounded healer and offer empathy and hope to my clients to help other Goddesses & Gods rise up!

If you are reading this and you feel there is no hope! I assure you there is! Have faith in your self, rise up like the Goddess or God that you are. Remember you are made of Stardust you are unique and the world needs your talents and we all have talents even if you’ve not discovered yours yet. I assure you it is there.

To discover your talent look within, meditate and explore the world through a childs eyes. What lit you up when you was young? What did you want to be when you grew up? Go search for it and do whatever lights you up. This life is for living! Enjoy it as much as you can ❤ even in the darkest times of our lives there is always a positive it’s the law of the universe of the Dao that’s why I love Tai Chi and Taoist philosophies. Tai Chi saved mine and my youngest Daughters life but i’ll share more of that another day.

I do love it when my amazing client’s leave a review ❤ I feel truly blessed to work with the cilents I do.

Have faith in yourself! Your vibe attracts your tribe and I love my working life.

It’s taken alot of hard work, sacrifices and sleepless nights to achieve my business goals but totally worth it. My best piece of advice if you are just starting out fully self employed is be led by your heart and focus on what gifts you can bring to the world ❤ then you cannot go wrong ❤
Have an amazing day everyone!

#selfemployed #businesswoman #heartcenteredbusiness #lovemywork #lovemyclients #psychic #medium #clairvoyance #tarot #meditation #massage #bodywork #holistic #vegan #goddess #warrior

January Giveaway 60 Minute 4 Elements massage at Stella’s Holistic Services in Rochford Essex Uk

*January Giveaway* 60 Minute 4 Element Massage* 

For a chance to win a 4 Element massage value of £45 with Stella 

* Like my page Stella’s Holistic Services on facebook
* like this post
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* Comment on this post why you’d like a 4 element massage 

I will pick the lucky winners name out of a hat live on 31st January 
Massage will be valid in February

more information on the 4 Elements massage click here…/4-elements…/

Are you feeling like your Colon could do with some love? Let me help you!


An inefficient colon lies at the root of so many health problems. This unique and gentle treatment stimulates the muscles of your colon so you literally “regenerate your gut” naturally. This treatment is non invasive yet also deeply releasing. We all “hold onto stuff” on so many different levels that this colon treatment allows release across the whole BodyMind complex. It can ‘still’ the mind and create a sense of space and freedom in your belly. This soft and gentle treatment needs to be experienced to be fully understood. 

This is a uniquely naturopathic treatment of your colon, which allows your body to balance itself. Working gently and deeply, it allows the muscles of this major elimination organ to regain health. Gently strengthening the muscles in the walls of your large intestine is the simplest and most natural way to bring your tissues back to health. Your whole body’s health depends on the proper functioning of your bowels. With the use of clear hand signals you remain in charge of the session so we can work to the depth you are happy with

This is one of my favourite No Hands treatment to receive I find it sooooo relaxing and I enjoy the cleansing and lightness for many days after.

undefined finish your treatment with a warm green tea or lemon water and a piece of fruit.

This amazing treatment is £45 per session or £140 for a course of four, one per week for four weeks.

Narcissists LOVE to snack on a Tasty Empath!

Narcissist is a word that is thrown around ALOT nowadays. Narcissists are real! They could be Your Lover, Mum, Dad, Friend, Co worker, Boss, Church or Spiritual leader, Guru, Neighbour, Sibling, Child etc etc They are not a rare specimen that is in a museum or sci fi movie, they are walking among us and many more are in the making as I type these words.

Have you been a narcissists snack? Maybe even main course or buffet style that they snack on whenever they fancy piling up their plate. Narcissists leech life from your Soul, Blood from your veins and dull the twinkle in your eye.

How do you know you’ve been a narcissists snack…. Trust me you will know! It’s that sicky feeling deep in your belly, an inner knowing that something is off but you have no evidence as they are masters of disguise. It’s feeling drained after spending time with them, it’s a dizzy, spinning feeling in your head. Your thought’s running wild and wondering if you are going crazy.

As an Empath we always want to see the best in everyone and feel that the world is full of love and light! Yes on a Quantum level it is and at a Soul level we are all Love and Light…. However I have news for you!

You may have been fortunate enough to have discovered this the hard way already! A Narcissist DOES exist and THEY will suck the life from your veins and enjoy watching you fade away. And yes I did say Fortunate because a Narcissist is here to show you your weaknesses and your leaky boundaries that have possibly, most probably come from childhood or past life wounds.

Past life? You may be thinking “I do not believe in past life” I have news for you! You inherited your genes from your ancestors so Yes you do have a past life and thanks to some scientist torturing some innocent mice, science has now proven this to be to true! Trauma is embedded in our genes!

Here is a great article with more information regarding inherited trauma

All of the science aside I know as a Holistic Practitioner and Bodyworker that we hold many traumas in our body and cells. The Neurotouch and Energy healing sessions that I provide my clients have given me the evidence time and time again. Spirit have shown me traumas and unhelpful patterns that my clients have inherited from generations before.

To sum up my musing’s for today even though you may or may not have been a Narcissists snack or entire meal. There is light at the end of that of very dark and sometimes long tunnel. A Narcissist or Narcissists can be our biggest healing modality if we are willing to accept our own shadows.

I will be sharing more on this topic as it’s VERY close to my Heart!

Much Love to you and know there is Life after a close encounter with a Narcissist! x