My Dairy free/ Vegan. One year Birthday!

Happy birthday to me πŸ™‚ today is my Dairy Free Birthday!
1 year today since I made the best decision of my life!
The best decision for my Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Self.
Never underestimate the power you have within, you can surprise yourself! believe me I have!
It all started with a post it note, yep that’s right a post it note πŸ™‚ its amazing the power a post it note holds! An affirmation, a statement to your subconscious mind.
In this last year of becoming vegan I have experienced massive shifts and changes in my self and my life!
I have more energy than ever before, I have discovered you do not need to eat no where as much as we fool ourselves we need to.
I find the lighter more nutritious I eat the better I feel. The old Stella wouldn’t leave the house without a veggie snack, for fear of going hungry πŸ™‚
The old Stella wouldn’t be able to have no solid food for a few days. I have been vegetarian for a large part of my life. This last phase which is here to stay has been 7 years. I struggled to eat meat as a youngster and to be honest it gave me some OCD type behaviours. I would struggle to swallow whilst eating which was really awful and embarrassing especially when at a friends house etc I used to start to think of the little lamb or the cow I had in my mouth and I couldn’t swallow, I also didn’t like the texture of meat. If I see a vein or bone I would make excuses not to eat the meal, I didn’t like the smell of meat either. Unfortunately for me and all children who are natural vegetarians I didn’t have a choice. My Parents didn’t have much money for food. My Dad grew his own vegetables in the garden which was a blessing. I learnt to enjoy homegrown vegetables and through helping my Mum and Dad in the garden I’ve grown up loving gardening and growing vegetables. I have and allotment, a poly tunnel and raised beds in the garden. I Love producing my own food from quality heritage seeds. I love nothing more than getting my hands in the soil and working with the seeds, witnessing new life emerging. It always brings me back to my roots of being human, it also symbolises changes in my own life. Growing your own food experiencing the cycles of nature, the cycle of birth and death.
I started experimenting with Raw Food 7 years ago after going on a Raw Food Tai Chi retreat in Assissi. I had never experienced eating purely fruit for a whole day then exercising and walking up mountains. It was pure bliss! I felt amazing πŸ™‚ I underestimated the power of myself!
I have discovered how powerful our subconscious mind is! The little demon that sits on our shoulder nagging in our ear, the scared demon acting from fear. Whispering that your a failure, you cannot achieve, you should go back to your old ways. The key is manifesting a little Angel who sits in pure joy and comes from a place of love. She whispers to your subconscious mind how wonderful you are, she whispers to you, yes you can! she brings you back to a place of love <3
A year ago today I made the decision to go 100% Dairy free/ egg free/ vegan (whatever label you want to stick on it) alongside my Vegetarian diet.
I wrote a post it note with 1st April no dairy or eggs. That was it simple, I had slowly been transitioning over a couple of years to less and less dairy. I had become more and more uncomfortable about the way the animals are treated and the quality of what I was consuming. Realising that some animals never see daylight, that baby male chicks are thrown in bin bags live! Just so I can feed my desire for cheese, eggs, milk etc. I started to become more and more conscious of this, I researched information to clarify how animals were treated. I was quite angry at myself at one stage for not becoming Vegan years ago. I do appreciate some dairy farmers treat the animals with care and respect. Even so I now would not eat or drink dairy produce as I know it’s not good for my health.
Since becoming dairy/egg free and introducing a high raw diet my health and vitality has improved immensely. I have been healthy for 15 years since I moved away from the pharmecutical drugs but that’s another story for another day. Its amazing how you think your healthy, then you make changes and you realise you was not as healthy as you thought.
I have lost two stone in weight with no effort at all, it was a great side effect.
Below is a before and after picture.
Men you can switch off for the next bit if you like πŸ™‚

My periods are now not a problem at all πŸ™‚ after suffering for 28 years and I mean suffering! Sometimes having days off school/work, dreading my period arriving each month. Sleepless nights in agony, days spent with hot water bottles, taking pills from the doctor (when I was younger) oh I’ve tried it all. I actually hated my period it was not unusual to hear me say ” I wish I was a Man”
Since going dairy/egg free and high raw foods they have been virtually pain free. This happened within a month, I now occasionally get a small griping pain and that’s it! I now embrace my periods, I no longer dread them arriving each month. I forget I’m on my period. I am thankful for having them and being a woman. For those of you that suffer every month I know you will understand exactly where I’m coming from and I’m sure that includes men who suffer πŸ˜‰
I have since had emails from people sharing that their periods became pain free after going vegan so I know I’m not alone.
I have so much more energy now than ever before, my skin is clearer, my eyes brighter and my waist 4inches smaller which is a bonus.
My girls who are 21 and 18 have been a great support to me especially now I no longer buy or have any meat foods in the house. My Grandson who is 2 particularly love fruits dried in the dehydrator. Everyone supported me at christmas joining in on a nut roast Christmas Day which everyone loved. My sister Heidi made me a lovely vegan pizza recently. My friends are all very supportive meeting me in coffee shops or at the Railway Hotel Pub that serve vegetarian/vegan options I feel blessed to have the backing and support of my family and friends.
Bring on the next year
Stella xx

28 days Raw grumpy Sunday!!

Mmmm well…. Today was interesting. I had all sorts of emotions emerging, I think it’s where I have been squashing stuff down with food. It’s all coming up, it’s quite a scary feeling. I keep working through it and trying to remain conscious. I didn’t eat much today, a couple pieces of fruit a salad and water. I notice I feel more energized the less I eat, especially on juices πŸ™‚ I prefer Raw foods to cooked, I love the feeling that its nourishing my body, mind and soul! I am questioning a lot more my choices of food too. I’m really looking forward to the future and seeing where this goes. I am getting frustrated though at small minded people whom do not try and understand why I choose this lifestyle! I feel judged sometimes like I have two heads. It is their issue not mine! I am feeling bolder about being vegan I am proud of who I am and my choices! Like it or lump it!

28 days raw Saturday day

I got up today and felt I needed a good workout, I done a Zumba workout. I love Zumba it’s so much fun. I can feel the difference in my body when doing my workouts now. I feel lighter, fitter and faster. I have been a slow coach my whole life, it’s often frustrating for people, my pace. I have come to accept it now yet I used to feel negative about myself because of it.
I weighed myself on the Wii Fit today
I have lost two pound. I now weigh 8st 11pound, since going vegan and introducing lots Raw food I have lost two stone, that’s 28 pound. I am only 5ft 2in so that is a lot for my small frame. I didn’t feel big at 10st 11pound. I was aware that I was curvy but I didn’t feel overly big or anything. I have dropped a dress size to size 10 UK. It’s not just been about what I eat though it’s my change in mental attitude towards food. My change in mental attitude about myself too. That is how the weight has come off, its the weight I was carrying in my soul and the toxins I was carrying in my extra fat. I do feel amazing and so proud of my achievements. I didn’t become Vegan to lose weight I became Vegan because of my love of animals.

28 days raw day 11

Water fast today. I was tired when I woke this morning. It took me a whole to get going. I made two bottles of water with lime juice added for some flavour. I had a busy day at work today started at 9.15am finished at 9 pm.
I’ve managed to stick to the water fast πŸ™‚ I’ve had a few moments of weakness. My tummy feels empty, I have fantasised about food quite a bit today. I am looking forward to not being restricted, i really don’t like being restricted in any way. I have noticed how much I rely on food to pick up my moods. I have found the water fast easier than the juice only day. I’m looking forward to the almond milk tommorow for dinner. I am going to add cinnamon and nutmeg to the milk. I have had a lot more energy today and my moods are light.

28 days raw day 10

Juice only day! Wow what a day, I have really struggled today. So many times I’ve wanted to go grab some hot greasy chips, made excuses in my mind to eat something. I am so proud of myself for getting through the day. I didn’t give in to my inner demon. I had grapefruit and orange juice for breakfast, melon juice for lunch and banana and orange juice for dinner. I had two cups of herb tea. Tomorrow is water fast. I’m determined to get through it.


28 days raw day nine

It’s not gone too well today! I had fruit all day. Then tonight I had some cooked vegetables with some bread. It’s cold and dark in the evenings now in the Uk. I need to get back on track and maybe come up with some meals more suitable for the Uk autumn season to help me stay raw. Back to the drawing board.

28 days Raw day 7

I decided I needed a rest day today! Luckily I am able to have one. I have eaten very light just fruit as my Daughter has invited me over for a roast dinner. I am going to have just vegetables. It has inspired me to create a Sunday no roast! I have it all planned in my head. It is turning cold here in the UK now I find leaving food out of the fridge for a few hours before eating rely helps. I will use the dehydrator to just take the edge off some dishes. I have been feeling the cold quite a lot. This is due to eating mainly Yin foods
Part of my experiment with going raw is to find a way to sustain a raw diet without becoming to Yin. As I’ve eaten a few cooked meals this week I really need to get back into the cleanse. It’s all about balance and maintaining equilibrium!
