Shrek Juice Thursday!

Shrek Juice today πŸ™‚
If you are thinking “how do I make a green smoothie” yet still not got round to it ? This green smoothie is quick and easy to make. Takes 10 minutes maximum. You get the benefits of a drinking an alkaline, cleansing, filling, comforting, yummy drink! What more could you want ? Yeah I know you could think of a thing or two πŸ™‚ Start by nourishing your body you will soon discover or have already discovered that starting the day with a smoothie really sets you up for a good day!
Your body and bowels will thank you πŸ˜‰
My quick Green smoothie recipe:
I made my smoothie using half bag kale, 1 banana, 2 apples ,3 oranges juiced 1 grapefruit juiced, 3 tbsp flaxseed, 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tbsp raw honey, add water to your desired consistency.
Makes 4 glasses
Whizz up in a blender
Enjoy πŸ™‚
