Day 3 Solstice Cleanse lets get playful πŸ’œ

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Last night my eldest Grandson Archie stayed over night. On the way home I asked him what he plans to do with his weekend he, said erm…. Play, Colouring in and have a roast dinner 😁 he surely is a chip off the block! 
Maybe you’ve guessed it already… Today I decided its play day. I love to colour and have plenty of pens, pencils and colouring books. So thats what we did, we played, coloured in and went to the park. We laughed so much, I love our time together its so precious. 
Breakfast today I kept with the play theme and created a raw gluten vegan free muesli in a jelly mould because I can πŸ˜› 
I took lots of pics and have created my first video recipe so please be kind if you watch it. I enjoyed playing and creating with the camera and video settings. I will upload to my youtube channel but its locked me out at the moment. 
The muesli was scrummy!!! I had it at 9am and again at 1pm with water, chaga and green tea.  I then went to hang out with a friend for a bit I had an almond milk chai and on the way home I drove past Little Tofu a Vegan friendly chinese takeaway I decided to have one, I got vegetable rice and crispy chilli tofu. I came home, got comfy and enjoyed it. It wasnt the soup that I was planning on having but hey ho on the grand scale its pretty healthy, made with love and that’s the beauty of a longer cleanse it is about being flexible and gradually sinking in deeper to the cleanse. 

Tomorow will be a flexible day as I am out all day. I am going to make a few green smoothies to take with me. 
Monday I will start juicing as well as smoothies. I am feeling the benefits already, I have more clarity of thought and generally better all round. 
Ive taken measurements of my bust, waist and hips today before the chinese 😁 
Happy New Moon Love Stella x

Day Two Solstice Cleanse

I woke up feeling good after my first day yesterday. Ive had a few moments of hunger pangs this morning I have kept busy and acknowledged the feelings and emotions associated. Ive wrote in my journal, practised Qigong and some yoga. 
For breakfast Ive had chaga tea made with cloves, ginger, cinnamon and cacao powder it was yummy and smelt very chocolaty and a few glasses of water. 
My smoothie today is Sexy Cherry πŸ’œ
Soak for 15 mins 

  •  2 desert spoons of milled linseed
  • 1 desert spoon of psyllium husk

In your blender add:

  • 2 cup rice milk
  • 1 cup frozen cherries 
  • 1 banana
  • Half tsp hemp
  • Half tsp spirulina
  • Half tsp maca powder 
  • Half tsp wheatgrass 
  • Half tsp barleygrass 
  • Half cup kombucha

Whizz up and enjoy 😁 

This made enough to fill one large voss bottle. Im drinking it now at 2.18pm
So tonight’s dinner didnt go to plan as I was out at My Daughters house. I had a can of split pea soup with rice at 5pm then back at home courtesy of my Daughter Charlotte πŸ’œ baked sweet potato with some hummus, broccoli and kale at 8pm. 

10pm I am having some fresh pineapple with half a coyo yoghurt. I love coyo πŸ’œ 
Ive eaten more food today than yesterday its all good though this is about being flexible and listening to my body. 
Stella πŸ’œ xx

Vulcan Christmas cake! Dairy free, Egg free, Cruelty free!

Mmmmm…… Christmas cake!!
My second Christmas as a Vulcan I mean Vegan, Began or whatever the label on my head says today πŸ™‚
I eat honey so apparently I cannot label myself as a Vegan! Oh what a shame! Will I lose sleep over it ? No!
I eat a plant based diet with some organic raw honey on occasion.
This Crimbo I decided I wasn’t willing to miss out on the Christmas cake. I didn’t want to pay fortunes for a specifically labeled Vegan cake, even though maybe I cannot eat that as I’m not a vegan πŸ™‚
I decided to make my own one!
The result was amazing, well I think it is! It is moist, fruity, Big! tasty, decadent, gorgeous and well just pure Yum!
I have decided to share the recipe for other Vulcans or anyone wanting a dairy free, egg free Crimbo/fruit cake.
340g plain flour or gluten free flour for a gluten free version
170g soft brown sugar
170g sultanas
300g raisins
55g glace cherries – chopped
25g mixed peel – chopped
1/2 pint / 280ml soya milk (or you can use oat milk, rice milk, or coconut milk)
2 1/2oz / 70g soya or sunflower dairy free spread
finely grated rind of 1 lemon
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp mixed spice
pinch of salt
6 tbsp / 90ml brandy or Jack Daniels
1 pack of ready roll white icing
1 pack ready roll marzipan
3 tbsp orange marmalade
Place all dry ingredients into a bowl then rub in the dairy free spread. Stir in the sugar, currants, sultanas, raisins, peel and cherries. Add the lemon rind and give it a good stir. Add all but 2tbsp of the soya milk and stir lightly. Heat the remaining soya milk in a pan so it is warm but not boiling, you should be able to touch it without burning your finger. Pour on to the bicarb and then stir it thoroughly into the mixture, without actually beating.
Put into a lined baking tin, smooth and slightly hollow out centre.
Bake at about gas mark 4 for an hour, then turn down to gas mark 3 for a further 45 minutes. It’s done when a normal skewer comes out clean.
Add alcohol once cake cooled slightly, I added more later on in the day and more the following day πŸ™‚
Wrap in baking paper to keep moist until you ice.
When you are ready to ice, spread marmalade onto cake so marzipan sticks,
roll out marzipan then place marzipan on cake, roll out icing then place on top of marzipan. I used left over icing to decorate.
Enjoy x




Raw Choc Chip Banana Cookie with Cashew Cream

If you are feeling rather naughty these are for you πŸ™‚ they are chocolatey, gooey, sweet cookies filled with cream. You can even freeze them for a few hours to create an ice cream sandwich.
Chocolate banana cookies
1 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup flax meal
2 bananas
2 desert spoons coconut sugar
2 heaped desert spoons cocoa powder
4 dates
1/4 cup cacao nibs
1 level desert spoon maca (optional and personally I would not use if making for young children sensitive to stimulants)
1 spoon lucuma powder (optional)
1/2 cup water
1 desert spoon melted cocoa butter
2 desert spoons melted coconut oil
place everything in blender and blend until resembles batter mix.
Try not to eat it all now πŸ™‚
Spread on non stick dehydrator trays and dehydrate 115 for 10 hours.
You can cook on low heat in oven for around 1.5 hr, will not be raw yet still delicious and better than processed yukky stuff!
Cashew Cream
1 & 1/2 cup cashews ground into a flour with coffee mill then soaked in 1/4 cup water until soft
2 tsp Vanilla essence
Agave nectar syrup or Honey to taste
Grind cashews into a flour with coffee mill then soak in 1/4 cup water until soft
Drain excess water from cashews then blend until desired consistency adding water if requires
Add Vanilla essence
add agave or honey to taste
Place in piping bag and decorate cookies.
Enjoy πŸ™‚


Carrot and Walnut Cake with Orange Cashew Nut Cream


Carrot and walnut cake
3 carrots use juicing pulp or grate
1 apple grated
4 apricots
8 dates
Juice of half lemon
Half cup walnuts made into flour with coffee mill or crush with rolling pin
1/4 cup flax meal
3 desert spoons psyllium husks
1 tbsp ginger powder
1tsp cinnamon
2 desert spoons coconut oil
2 desert spoons coconut sugar
1 cup pure water
Put all ingredients into food processor until resembles cake mix
Leave for 10 mins to absorb water
Spread on dehydrator tray. Dehydrate for 10 hours.
Enjoy on there own or with cashew nut cream.
Enjoy πŸ™‚
Orange Cashew Cream
1 & 1/2 cup cashews ground into a flour with coffee mill then soaked in 1/4 cup water until soft
Juice and Zest of one Orange
Agave nectar syrup or Honey to taste
Drain excess water from cashews then blend until smooth
Add Orange Juice and half of Zest
Then add agave or honey
To really make pretty add cream to piping bag then pipe on.
Use rest of zest to decorate
Enjoy πŸ™‚