Raw Chocolate! Sharing My Love!

I’ve had a busy, amazing day! making Raw Chocs! It never ceases to amaze me how therapeutic cacao is! It takes me to the place of love, nostalgia and awakens all my senses. The smell is divine and sensual! The feel of silky smooth melted chocolate, swirling around the bowl is arousing and sexual! Watching the reflection of light amidst the spiral upon spiral is Alchemical and quite often sends me into a trance like state! Pouring the melted chocolate into the moulds wishing I could bathe in a spring of warm chocolate, opens my heart chakra and unleashes my inner Goddess! Decorating the chocolates sends my right brain into a swirl of creativity! I love Cacao, love pouring my love into the cacao and I feel so grateful to be able to share my love with whoever chooses to eat my chocolate love <3




