Edesias Spring Cleanse Day Five!

Good morning! Today is day 5 of my cleanse and the end of my water fast. I haven’t eaten solid food since Wednesday lunch time and nothing since 8pm Thursday eve, that’s a 36 hour water fast. I feel slightly sick this morning and a bit light headed, was very hot in the night and woke a few times for a wee. I am looking forward to a smoothie this morning and a warm nut milk maybe, see how I feel. Today I will ease myself back in gently with only liquids until tonight when I will have a lovely salad with some avocado and a few nuts. Going to eat light and raw at the weekend and then back onto another cleanse on Monday morning for week two. Next weeks cleanse focuses on cleansing out the colon, I will increase my exercise next week to at least an hour a day of high intensity exercise. Next week I will really start to feel the benefits ๐Ÿ™‚ A cleanse brings up emotional stuff we push down with food, I did have a few tears last night and a few moments of panic about certain areas of my life! This is quite normal when we are clearly out our shit (literally) I recognise these feelings from many cleanses before so I just went with it and allowed those feelings to surface, recognised them and allowed them to move on. The only constant in life is change! Go with the flow of life, the ups and the downs! I realised yesterday how we do not always appreciate our food as we should, I was watching people down the seafront gobble up food without enjoyment or gratitude! I would have savoured a grape yesterday! I do take time to enjoy my food mostly but I had fallen back into the trap of addiction. Food is more addictive than most drugs, food is a drug! We use it to cover up feelings, comfort us, make us fat so know one will notice us, make us thin so people will admire us, make us ill to sabotage ourselves. It really is so powerful. Unlike drugs and alcohol, if food is your drug you cannot avoid it! If your an alcoholic you can avoid the pub or the alcohol section of the supermarket. Food is essential to life, we have to eat so you cannot avoid it, food is shoved in our faces wherever we go. The mind is what we need to master not the food! Love yourself enough to nourish your temple not punish it! I’m off to make my smoothie now ๐Ÿ™‚ have a good day x
Please connect with me on twitter @Edesias-Banquet or Facebook: Edseias Banquet-Stella Phillips Raw Food Goddess <3


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