28 days Raw grumpy Sunday!!

Mmmm well…. Today was interesting. I had all sorts of emotions emerging, I think it’s where I have been squashing stuff down with food. It’s all coming up, it’s quite a scary feeling. I keep working through it and trying to remain conscious. I didn’t eat much today, a couple pieces of fruit a salad and water. I notice I feel more energized the less I eat, especially on juices 🙂 I prefer Raw foods to cooked, I love the feeling that its nourishing my body, mind and soul! I am questioning a lot more my choices of food too. I’m really looking forward to the future and seeing where this goes. I am getting frustrated though at small minded people whom do not try and understand why I choose this lifestyle! I feel judged sometimes like I have two heads. It is their issue not mine! I am feeling bolder about being vegan I am proud of who I am and my choices! Like it or lump it!

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