I have woke up full of energy today! Feeling very positive and full of life! It does help my partner is taking me away for the night. We are going to visit some English heritage sites today and tomorrow. It does bring some stress with it as we have to eat. I’ve decided to have a Big Fresh Juice to finish off fruit and veg i have. Ive used beetroot (from garden) cucumber (from allotment) 4 plums, 3 small apples, chunk ginger, half lemon. Ended up with this gorgeous deep pink frothy juice.
I plan on having salad for lunch. Tonight I will ask if we can find somewhere that does a nice salad or has a salad bar. I shall have fruit in the morning and maybe a smoothie or salad for lunch on Sunday. A big part of me going raw is to integrate it into my life. My partner eats meat yet also enjoys most foods I prepare. I mostly cook vegetarian for the family sometimes chicken rarely red meat. My partner is a firefighter so gets fed at work which is helpful for me as those days/nights I just think about me. My 17 year old generally sorts her own food out on those nights too and when I’m working etc. I feel it’s important for children to be independent.
Here is too a good day and to overcome some challenges.
This is why I choose not eat animals! They love unconditionally too!